My Tabloids | Satire on the Mon

It's not true, they didn't come anywhere near my tabloids…

Post-Gazette Furloughs All Non-Steeler Writers

In what is being called a “necessity of the current economic downturn,” the management of the P-G has given early retirement to all news-related personnel who don’t “legitimately add anything of value to our continuing coverage of the Pittsburgh Steelers.”  In total, some 43 people were let go, including the junior layout artist who mistakenly listed the Steelers “historic defeat” of the Chargers as the second most popular link on the P-G website.

“I can tell you right now, that kid can code like hell, but he doesn’t have a clue about our committment to Steelers Nation.”

Editors also confirmed rumors that the paper would, in the future, only carry death notices of people who could prove they were “real fans.”

Written by mytabloids

January 15, 2009 at 10:57 am

Posted in Pittsburgh an 'nat